Ymir Report #73 ā€” Slow May & WordCamp Europe

Heya friend!

Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building.



Ymir was a bit more in the back seat in May as I focused on consulting work. This is more important as I'm still losing customers. Ymir won't be a full-time endeavour any time soon.

I still want to do reports every two weeks. That said, I might skip here and there if there's not much to talk about. Not my ideal scenario, but I'm running a marathon so I need to adjust the pace if I have to.

It's also WordCamp Europe next week! I'll be there if you want to say hi!


You can always view the history of Ymir's product development at https://ymirapp.com/changelog.

I've been monitoring the activity log and making a few fixes. There's been close to 1,000 log entries made in the last month. I'm excited about how it's working right now.

Work has started on the dashboard side to display the information. I'm hoping I can get it done this month.

I also have a customer who might need RDS Proxy. So support for that might come soon! šŸš€


I actually got accepted to WP Campus to speak, but I realized I couldn't go in person this year. šŸ«  They do hybrid, but I really didn't want to waste the networking opportunity. It's a real bummer, as I would have really liked to go.

Still waiting to do some case studies. It's hard to get people to sit down to do them šŸ˜…

WordCamp Europe is next week. We'll see what networking opportunities I have there. It's always a good time anyhow!


You can always view Ymir's up-to-date business metrics at ymirapp.com/open. They're updated every 10 minutes.

Business continues to suffer. I'm down to 30 subscribers, which is where I was in March last year. I've also lost my only "Carl-as-a-Service" customer, so that's more lost income.

Overall, I still feel good about the business. I really wish I could work on it full time. Serverless is a great technology that removes a lot of the burden of managing infrastructure. I also know that it's on some hosting companies' radar.

That said, there are a lot of challenges to using it with WordPress. The more I work with customers, the more obvious it is. This makes it unlikely that Ymir will ever be a product with a lot of customers.

That's why I take a really long-term view on the technology. I think more and more of the PHP ecosystem will adopt it. This will put some pressure on WordPress to make itself easier to use with it.

That's why I keep saying I run a marathon šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø



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Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building. INTRO Heya! I did it! I have my first case study šŸ„³ Otherwise, I had a good time at WordCamp Europe. I had some good discussions there about the state of the hosting industry. They make me feel good about the long-term viability of Ymir, but doesn't really help in the short run. There hasn't been a lot of movement on the product this month. I came from Europe with...

Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building. INTRO Heya! Quiet cycle. Now that I'm done with the maintenance work, I'm back to working on the product. I'm slowly working towards the project creation feature, but I wanted to work on something smaller first. I ended up deciding to work on an activity feed. It's not such a small feature that I could ship it in two weeks. But I was able to wrap up and ship the...

Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building. INTRO Hey there! It's been a few weeks since my last update. My time in Japan wasn't as productive as I'd hoped it to be. The time zone wasn't friendly to me this time around and I wasn't able to get into a good work groove.Because of that, I mainly focused on consulting work and had nothing to share related to Ymir. I did manage to get some work done towards the...