

Ymir Report #61 β€” Still recovering. Small improvements.

Published 7 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Heya friend!

Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building.


I wanted to thank everyone who reached out after the last report. It was really nice. ☺️

I'm still quite tired. I think I'm slowly getting better. I'm sleeping more, but not as much as I should because I feel guilty about not working. πŸ™ƒ
This is the fun stuff of starting a business. There's always work to feel guilty about not doing. I'm better at it now, but it's a constant challenge!

Otherwise, I managed to get some bug fixes and improvements out for the Ymir plugin. Patrick Garman from Mindsize has been good at finding bugs for me to fix! πŸ˜… There's still some more in the CLI and elsewhere. It's nice to have someone who wants to improve the product ☺️


You can always view the history of Ymir's product development at

Nothing to show here this cycle. Most of the changes to the Ymir plugin are under the hood. I'm actually enjoying being able to do some cleanup and improvements like the logs last cycle. I have a pretty long list of things I want to fix or improve.

I will probably keep doing this in the near term.


I mentioned Mindsize earlier. They're using Ymir more and more. (Their marketing site uses it now, for example.) Patrick is going to write me a testimonial, but also I want them on an agency page that I've been thinking about.
Just been too tired to do it. Going to try really hard this coming cycle πŸ˜…


You can always view Ymir's up-to-date business metrics at They're updated every 10 minutes.

No major changes here. I'm still talking with big companies and agencies. It's still a very slow process. 🫠

September looks like a net loss of three subscribers. It's a huge bummer. I was looking forward to hitting that 40 subscriber mark and donating another subscription. But that's not looking like a 2023 thing unless I have a crazy month πŸ˜…

On the more boring side, my year end is coming up. It'll be time to do taxes and all that fun stuff. I'm doing a decent amount of money, so I expect it to hurt more this year. I started expensing some things (like the WordCamp US trip) against the company, but I might need to do more of that from now on.



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